Monday, June 11, 2007

Remember when...

Man I'm posting alot this weekend!!!

Remember growing there was always that house everyone spent all their time at? There were a few places I considered home growing up that were close friends, who were like family. I spent most of my teenage years bouncing around friends homes. Mom can attest to that! I spent most of my time at her best friends house!! I am beginning to realize that even tho I don't have house is becoming that house. For the first time since I've moved out, people actually come to see me for a change. Those of you who read about the cat-sitting adventure...well it looks like they are coming back. Along with the owner. *No more air mattress tho!!!* And I sit here typing this, Scott is on his way home, with Paul *the cat man* and our friend Jes who had a little falling out with her boyfriend and wants to come spend the night. I always thought if I ever had kids I wanted to be "that house". Looks like I don't need the kids!

I just hope I can open my home to people the way others have opened theirs to me. I will definitely need some patience and tolerance the next few weeks while Paul is here. We have lived together before, and was a nightmare. I am hoping this time will be a little different. I know I've changed alot since then, and the good thing is..this time I won't have to look for a place if it doesn't work out. (the joys of being able to do the 'kicking-out"!!)

Anyhow, its almost 3 am and everyone should be arriving here soon. I'll update you guys on how this adventure goes.

1 comment:

cajunquilter said...

hmmm aren't paul and jes not talking right now? lol that should be interesting.