Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Long Day

It has been such a long day!!! We went to the orientation class today, and I thought it was a job fair..well I was wrong. In order to keep our food stamps (since we are currently both unemployed) we have to do volunteer work. I did go today and put an application in at an all organic grocery store. I personally don't know a whole lot about organic/natural foods...but its for a receiving clerk and I have actually done that before, so I'm hoping to get a call back in a few days.

On to some fun stuff. Here are a few pictures I took on Africam last night....

I didn't take these pictures of the monkeys...but I saw them on the africam forum and they were just too cute not to share!!!

1 comment:

cajunquilter said...

i love love love the monkeys! but you know that already lol.