Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Computer troubles...

Just thought I'd let you all know I haven't forgotten about this thing. Scott had to reformat the computer (I lost toooooooooons of pictures) and he hasn't had a chance to get it up and running completely yet. So my time on the computer has been very limited. Hopefully he'll get some more done on it tonight if he's not exhausted from work.

I told mom I found some old pictures when I was going through a bag I have not to long ago. So once I've got the all clear from Scott I'll be scanning some in and posting a few. I've also decided rather than going and taking a thousand pictures and starting all over again, I'm going to work on the photos I found the other day before I fill up my harddrive again! ( I lost a bunch of scrapbooking stuff too.) So I'll be on the hunt again!



FlipFlop Mom said...

Can't wait to see pics!!!!

cajunquilter said...

ok, i get to approve these pictures before you post them right? lol