Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I goofed! Now what?

I'm sure this has happened to just about everyone...You send an email out to numerous people..and the one person you would rather not have receive it does...and RESPONDS!!! How exactly does one deal with this kinda thing? I wasn't talking bad about said person, didn't even mention them. I would just rather not associate with them. I don't want to be rude and totally ignore them, because they are very persistent. However, I just really don't want to be involved with this person.

Do I ignore them? Do I respond with 'Oh, I'm sorry..I didn't mean you.'?

I LOVE Audrey Hepburn (and frogs). When Scott's Aunt Nikki was down from N.Y. I told her about my life long dream to stand in front of Tiffany's with a coffee and a danish and have breakfast and she said if we go up to visit she'll take me!


FlipFlop Mom said...

My daughter wants to do her hair just like this for the Prom.. she is mesmerized by her!!!!!

As for the responder.. well .. ummm.. I might ignore it.. but I'm good at that!! LOL LOL LOL

Kay said...

Oh if she does her hair like that you must take a picture! I think she is the definition of classic beauty.

cajunquilter said...

I agree with flipflop mom just ignore it. Cause I know you, and that is the best way to handle it.